Top 10 Amazing Geography Fun Facts | eLecturepk

The world is a stunning spot.

With such countless spots to visit and things to find, it's no big surprise that the world generally has a method for astounding you just with straightforward, logical realities.

Ends up, our little, blue planet is more similar to a major, thick reference book of information simply ready to be found.

Here are a few mind blowing, geographic realities about this planet we call Earth.
Landmasses shift at about similar rate as your fingernails develop

1. Landmasses shift at about similar rate as your fingernails develop

As per mainland float hypothesis the landmasses on the planet are creating some distance from every other.Millions of year prior there was a solitary landmass called Pangaea ,however after that they begin moving and the outcome is seven mainlands.

Gold country Is the Westernmost and Easternmost State in the U.S.

2-Gold country Is the Westernmost and Easternmost State in the U.S.

You might consider Gold country the westernmost state in the US, particularly while taking a gander at a guide, but on the other hand it's the easternmost state.

Because of the way that it extends such a long ways from the west that it falls into the eastern side of the equator. As a matter of fact, Semisopochnoi Island, some portion of Gold country's Aleutian Islands, is actually the easternmost spot in all of North America.

Russia is enormous to the point that it's home to 11 time regions

3-Russia is enormous to the point that it's home to 11 time regions

A Decent Morning Is a Decent Night in Pieces of Russia

Russia has multiple times zones (of only 24 all out on the planet!). So when a Russian on one side of the nation is getting up at 7 a.m., one more on the opposite side might be plunking down to supper.

Another pleasant truth? France really utilizes additional time regions — 12 — than Russia or elsewhere on the planet, because of its abroad domains.

Russia and China Contact 14 Nations Each

4-Russia and China Contact 14 Nations Each

Taking a gander at a guide, it might appear Russia can gulp down China. Nonetheless, the two nations line 14 nations.

Russia (counting the area of Kaliningrad) borders Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Poland and the Ukraine.

China borders Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal. North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam

Africa Traverses Every one of the Four Sides of the equator

5-Africa Traverses Every one of the Four Sides of the equator

The main landmass on the planet to sit in every one of the four halves of the globe — north, south, east and west — Africa covers almost 12 million square miles and 6 percent of the world's all out surface.

Africa is comprised of 54 nations, the biggest of which is Algeria.

Istanbul Is the Main Significant City Laying on Two Landmasses

6-Istanbul Is the Main Significant City Laying on Two Landmasses

Istanbul is situated in both Europe and Asia, with the Bosphorus Waterway going through its center. You can cross the Bosporus Extension between the different sides, with the more populated European side filling in as the business and verifiable focus.

The biggest city in Turkey — and biggest city on two landmasses with 14 million individuals — has a 2,000-year-old history that incorporates filling in as the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Realms.

Different urban communities resting in two mainlands include:

  • Suez (El Qantara), Egypt (Africa and Asia)
  • Orenburg, Magnitogorsk, Pervouralsk and Yekaterinburg, Russia (Europe and Asia)
  • Atyrau and Oral, Kazakhstan (Europe and Asia)
  • ÇanakKle Turkey ( Europe and Asia)
  • Panama city (North and South America)

Gold country Is Home to the Biggest Urban areas in America

7-Gold country Is Home to the Biggest Urban areas in America

Indeed, New York and Los Angeles might be more populated than any town in Gold country, yet in view of expanse of land, The Frozen North is home to probably the biggest urban communities in the US.

Sitka, Gold country, may just have minimal in excess of 10,000 occupants, yet the city traverses in excess of 2,800 square miles (New York City, as a mark of correlation, is only 302 square miles). Juneau, with in excess of 31,000 individuals, sits on 2,700 square miles. Minuscule Wrangell, Gold country, with a little more than 2,300 occupants, spreads across in excess of 2,500 square miles. Furthermore, Safe haven, at 1,704 square miles, has 301,000 occupants.

90% of the total populace lives in northern side of the equator

8 - 90% of the total populace lives in northern side of the equator

The Northern Side of the equator is home to 90 percent of the World's all out populace. The Earth is home to 7.3 billion individuals, yet 6.57 billion live north of the equator in North America, Europe, the majority of Africa and Asia and, surprisingly, a few pieces of South America.

water covers Larger part of the planet ,yet its vast majority can't be utilized by people

9-water covers Larger part of the planet ,yet its vast majority can't be utilized by people

71% of the Earth is comprised of water, yet as it were .007% of it tends to be utilized by people.

How is this so?

For a certain something, just 2.5 percent is freshwater; the rest is saline and sea based. Besides, of this freshwater, just 1% is promptly available, with the rest caught in ice sheets and snowfields.

Antarctica is the biggest desert on the planet

10-Antarctica is the biggest desert on the planet

At the point when you consider a desert, your brain most likely goes to sun and sand, yet the biggest desert is very freezing cold, Antarctica! A desert is only an area of land that doesn't get more than 10 crawls of precipitation a year and covering 5.5 million square miles, making the Antarctic Polar Desert the biggest one.


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