Lesson 13: History of Tea | Types of Tea Plants | Tea Production | eLecturepk

Tea is a drink made by steeping processed leaves, buds or twigs of the tea bush. Tea plant is called Camellia Sinensis. Camellia Sinensis is an ever green plant and it grows in tropical and sub-tropical climates. High quality tea plants grow at elevation up-to 1500 meters. As a plant grows more slowly and acquire a better flavor. Only the top one to two inches of the mature plants are picked. These buds and leaves are called flushes and a plant will grow a new flush every 7-10 days during the growing season.

The four basic types of tea are:

  1. Black Tea
  2. Oolong Tea
  3. Green Tea
  4. White Tea
These types of teas are distinguish by the processing they undergo. Leaves of Camellia Sinensis soon begin to wilt and oxidize if not dry quickly after picking.

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