Lesson 16: Let's Learn About Earth | How Many Spheres of Earth | What is Shape of Earth | eLecturepk

Earth is 3rd planet in the solar system. It is also called the World, The Blue Planet and Terra. It was originated about 4.6 Billion years ago. Famous Greek philosopher Thales is the one who concluded that earth is round its like a Sphere. Newton also put through the theory that earth's shape is like a sphere not a ball like. It is expended outwards on equator so the exact shape of earth is called Geoid-Like.

Four Spheres of the Earth are as follows:
  1. Atmosphere
  2. Lithosphere
  3. Hydrosphere
  4. Biosphere
  • Atmosphere: All the gases that surround the earth is called atmosphere. It is from few meters from earth surface to 60,000KMs. It allows sun rays reach to the surface of earth and stop them to go back in the space, so the temperature on earth is moderate. Without atmosphere temperature on earth will be below freezing point.
  • Lithosphere: It is second sphere of earth. It provides forests, grassy areas, land or agriculture and human settlements. It is rich source of minerals. It provides essential nutrients to plants. The structure of Lithosphere on land and under ocean is different.
  • Hydrosphere: All water found on or under the surface of earth is called Hydrosphere. The phenomena in atmosphere like cloud formation, rain, fog etc are due to hydrosphere.
  • Biosphere: All life on earth is called biosphere. It is dependent on other three spheres. All the spheres are interconnected and makes life possible on earth surface. The change in one sphere will effect the life on the other sphere.

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