Lesson 11 | Pak China Friendly Relations | Why Pakistan is Important for China? | eLecturepk

China is Pakistan's most friendly country situated in the North of Pakistan. It is second largest country of the Asia.

The People's Republic of China celebrates its independence on 1st October 1949. Pakistan was the first country in the world who helped them to boost their economy. Pak China friendship started on 22nd May 1950.
China entered its name in the streamline nations of the world with the help of Pakistan during international period of isolation from 1960 to early 1970. In response, the Chinese government and their people compensated damages whenever Pakistan faced any natural disasters.
China has attained a pivotal position in the World due to stable economy, energetic manpower along with natural and human resources. According to economists the economic development of the world will rely upon the economic behavior and economic role played by China in the future.

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